The team behind the sound

  • Dario Forghieri

    Executive producer, Music Producer

    Cancer and Rooster, graduated from USP in History. Dario is awarded in most of the major advertising festivals. Revolutionary, Musical producer, bass player and comedian. Tireless ideas maker, an expert of all sectors of an audio studio. Calm, professional, loyal and sarcastic, musical, spiritual, Facebook redactor and bald.

  • Zi Nammur

    Account management, Music Producer

    Pisces and Dragon, Musical Producer, graduated in Marketing with MBA in Business Management, is also Master Coach. For many years it has served the largest customers in the market. He won the first Cannes Radio Lion in Brazil along with AlmapBBDO. He is a music lover, nature lover. Creative, friendly, perfectionist, determined, loyal, adventurous, cooker and big eyed.

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Behind the sound

Squad is a Creative Audio Studio based in São Paulo, Brazil.
We are a multifaceted company that believes in joining different talents to form a stronger body.
But a company only becomes a team when it has a common goal.
And our goal is the same as yours: to create the best possibility of sound and music to transmit ideas and sensations.
Our team, each one, each part of the process, a new insight, a new trend. 
Every little gear makes our creative machine always on the move.
Every felling added, every drop of information transformed into sound.

So our brand is defined, and it defines us.
Squad, The Team Behind The Sound at your service.
